Rubrics for The Semester Project: LIB100
The student will take a research assignment, which has been assigned in another class, and work on it for the assignment in this course. If the student has not been assigned a research project, the student will create one and will have it approved by the LIB 100 Instructor. The student will submit: The Topic; clearly defined Thesis Statement; a written description of how and why each of the sources in the bibliography/ list of references was found and how these sources were evaluated; and a minimum of three bibliographic references in APA format completes the Semester Project.
5-0 each
Overall paper format, grammar, spelling
Times New Roman 12point, double-spaced, follows model. Correct grammar and spelling: cover page per format
Times New Roman 12point, double-spaced, fewer than four spelling or grammar errors; cover page per format
Times New Roman 12point, double-spaced, five to seven spelling or grammar errors; cover page not per format
Eight to ten errors or wrong font size or spacing; no cover page
More than ten errors and wrong format; no cover page
Thesis statement
Clear, specific, logical sentences describing a provable concept
Too general but clear and provable
Unclear and general
Not provable
Vague, general, not provable
Evaluation and choice of references
Relevant choices of college level resources with appropriate evaluation
Relevant and evaluated but not all college level
Relevant but not well evaluated
Irrelevant choices or no clear evaluation
References incomplete, irrelevant, or not evaluated
APA format of references
One or two errors in format
A missing element or more than two errors in format
Two missing elements or more than three errors in format
Three missing elements or more than four errors in format...