RRx Pharmaceuticals List

RRx Pharmaceuticals List

MIBG vs. Octreotide
MIBG and octreotide can both localize to neuroendocrine tumors (pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma, neuroblastoma, and carcinoid). In almost all cases, MIBG is the way to go. The exceptions are carcinoids and extraadrenal pheochromocytomas.
what scan to look for PCP pneumonia
Gallium 67
What is thyrogen and when is it used in nuc med?
a highly purified recombinant form of human thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), given by injection prior to I-131 study as an alternative to going off thyroid hormone
normal distribution of octreoscan?
Liver, spleen, kidneys, thyroid, GB, bladder
What is MIBG structurally similar to?
Norepinephrine - thus scanning for Pheos, neuroblastoma, and paragangliomas

72 terms · Review Questions for the Board Examinations
How does 201Tl decay?
by electron capture
What is the role of the stannous ion in the preparation of pharmaceuticals labeled with 99mTc?
to reduce the valence state of 99mTc
If an assay of a vial containing 131I shows 50 mCi...

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