Same Sex Marriage Should Not Be Taught in School

Same Sex Marriage Should Not Be Taught in School

  • Submitted By: BONGxTOKES
  • Date Submitted: 11/18/2008 2:27 PM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 575
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 1408

Persuasive Essay
Same sex marriage should not be taught in school. The right to teach same sex marriage in schools is a controversial issue that is being thrown around right now. Even though there may be a lot of homosexuals in this world, I think that it is not a good Idea to teach kids these believes. The reason I think same sex marriage should not be taught in school is; why would you want to have your kids brainwashed in to thinking same sex marriage is normal. Also because if they don’t teach kids at school about GOD, THE GREAT ARCHETIC OF THE UNIVERSE, or whatever you may call him then why teach them this nonsense.
In my eyes, as in many others, same sex marriage is not normality; it is seen as inexplicable and unnatural. Same sex marriage should not be taught in schools due to the fact that it goes against the definition of marriage for many people. The definition of marriage to me and too many other people is the act of uniting with a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife. I looked up the definition of marriage and the historical definition is a relationship between a male, a female and their families whose primary purpose is to raise offspring. As we all know two individuals of the same sex cannot reproduce, so if homosexuality was allowed and accepted by everyone then how would our population increase. Without a positive change in population our country would get nowhere.
The second reason I think same sex marriage should not be taught in school is because why teach kids an idea that has been around for only a few years, approximately since the 1960’s, compared to the believe of a superior being that has been around for over thousands of years. If people think it is too offensive to teach kids about God then why would the study of same sex marriage not be offensive to both the parents and their religion? If the parents want their kids to know about same sex marriage then they should be the ones to teach them about it. Same sex marriage...

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