SCI 241 Protein Article Research

SCI 241 Protein Article Research

Protein Article Research
SCI241 Nutrition
March 20, 2014
Dr. C. Graham

Protein Article Research
“Proteins are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies” (Centers for disease control and prevention, 2012). Proteins come from amino acids. Amino acids consist of 20 different types and these types mix and match to make up different proteins. Among the proteins there are complete protein sources, and incomplete protein sources. A complete protein source contains all essential amino acids. Many of the foods that supply a complete protein source are from animals. Included in these foods are eggs, milk, cheese, fish, as well as poultry and meat. Incomplete protein sources are either low in at least one of the essential amino acids. Although it seems that it may be beneficial to eat foods in the complete protein source it is possible to eat a combination of foods in the incomplete protein source group that would provide all the essential amino acids. Rice and beans are an example of two foods that individually contain “low amounts of certain essential amino acids” (Centers for disease control and prevention, 2012) but eating rice and beans can give an adequate amount of essential amino acids.
Even as we feed our bodies protein every day when we are eating a balanced diet our bodies continually break down proteins and replace them. This is why it is important to eat enough protein each day to replenish what our bodies use to keep our cells, tissue and organs healthy. Eating a healthy diet would include foods such as; meats, milk, cheese, poultry, fish, dry beans, peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Other foods that have low amounts of protein are grains, and certain fruits and vegetables. As a female between the ages of 19-70+ my intake of grams should equal 46 grams. These 46 grams of protein along with the recommended allowance of fats, fibers, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins would equal a healthy diet....

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