Social Norm Violation

Social Norm Violation

This experiment I conducted pertains to me disregarding a social norm and seeing how people would react to because it will be doing something out of the ordinary. I did about 5 different experiments to get the best result.
I rode an elevator and instead of doing the normal thing of not talking and facing the forward I decide to do the opposite. I faced the other way looking at people and trying to start conversations with them, some people ignored me by not even giving me any eye contact and others rolled their eyes at me and slowly moved away from me. An older lady in a 60s was the only person that exactly engaged in conversation with me and she didn’t even let me talk she did most of the talking about how she will be going to London the first week of July to visit her grandchildren. I did this experiment for about 3 days and apart from an awkward smile or two no one really paid me and mind, they all thought I was weird and looked at me like I was a crazy person. This experiment proved that most people are so used to not talking in the elevator that when someone who they don’t know tries to have a conversation with them it’s very strange and it makes them uncomfortable. The social nor I chose was simple and it also showed how people react when things don’t go the normal way they start to feel uncomfortable. I think if I have done this experiment somewhere else I would have probably gotten a different response
I did my second experiment at my church which was very interesting, I grew up believing that church is a place where you can be who you are without being judged but this experiment proved that wrong. I learned that the church society expects you to dress, talk and act a certain way and if you do otherwise you are seen as weird or different. I go to a Nigerian church and we are very conservative. One a Sunday I decided to wore something thing different, I also wore a red wig and my makeup was very loud and I as I walked into church I got a whole lot of...

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