

Sociology questions and answers
What is a dominant group? What s the minority group?
A dominant group refers to that segment of the population that exceeds all others combined. In society, segments of people maybe black or white that outnumbers the other is called the dominant group. The minority group refers to a sub-group that does not form a majority of the total population. The minority have less power politically or economically than the dominant group (word count = 62): from Ritzer: introduction to sociology: page 5.
What are the four major conditions necessary for racial/ethnic stratification to occur?
Social stratification is based on the premises of power, prestige and property. The four major conditions for stratification to occur are: contact, ethnocentrism, competition and differential power (Ritzer, 2015).
4. What is stratification? Give an example.
It is the hierarchical arrangements of people in society. Or it is defined as a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. For instance, ranking people according to wealth, power or prestige forms social stratification (Ritzer, 2015).
5. What is Thomas’s Theorem? Give an example.
Thomas theorem states that “if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.” The theory means that the manners in which individuals view situations ill eventually influence the outcomes of the situations. An example is the American invasion of Iraq. The US government believed that leaders in Iraq had dangerous weapons that could result in mass destruction and were capable of attacking the US. Thus, the US military invaded Iraqi to prevent such massive attack (word count =78) (Ritzer, 2015).
6. What does a sociologist mean when they talk about “essential characteristics?�”Give an example.
In sociology, essential characteristics are group traits that are exclusive to a particular group and they are rare within the group. Essential characteristics are used to...

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