Solve a Problem

Solve a Problem

March 17, 2014
Carrie Woodhouse

According to Ruggiero there are four stages in the creative process that we should use when trying to solve a problem or issue. The first stage is searching for challenges. In this stage you try to meet all challenges in a creative and effective way. The second stage is to express the problem or issue. In this stage you need to find the best way to state the problem or issue in order to receive the most helpful ideas or solutions. The third stage is to investigate the problem or issue. In this stage you need to obtain any information that will help you come up with a solution to the problem or issue. The fourth and last stage is to produce ideas. In this stage you need to come up with different solutions to the problem or issue at hand. These are the four stages I will use to help with my issue, whether or not I should get out of the military.
Chapter 6 describes six techniques to help with stage one, searching for challenges. The six techniques are be observant, look for imperfections in things, note yours and others' dissatisfactions, search for causes, be sensitive to implications, and recognize the opportunity in controversy. Being observant can only help me a little with my issue. I can take note of how many job opportunities there are out there for me instead of staying in the military. If I decided to stay in the military what is my neighborhood like so I would know my family is safe without me. Looking for imperfections would be to see the negatives with my issue. If I stay in the military I would have to be out of state or out of the country for two years without my family. Would my marriage be able to sustain me being gone for two years with little visitation and basically having a online relationship with my wife and kids. The dissatisfactions would be am I happy in the military. How do I feel when I go to work? Do I enjoy my job or am I just going through the...

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