Similar words Meanings Distinguished
|Accept /əkˈsept/ Mªnb Kiv |I cannot accept your proposal. |Except /ɪkˈsept/ e¨ZxZ |Everybody attended the meeting expect |
| | | |him. |
|Break /breɪk/ fv½v |The thief broke the door open. |Brake /breɪk/ MwZ‡ivaK hš¿ |Every car must have a proper brake |
| | | |system. |
|Beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ cv‡k©¦ |He sat beside me. |Besides /bɪˈsaɪdz/ e¨ZxZ |Besides this point, there are some |
| | | |other point to consider. |
|Bank /bæŋk/ Zxi |Hakim was wandering on the bank of the |Bunk /bʌŋk/ ‡Uª‡b NygvBevi ¯’vb |I found no bunt in the train. |
| |river. | | |
|Bread /bred/ iæwU |The beggar demanded more bread. |Breed /briːd/ Drcv`b Kiv |A good environment breeds cultured |
| | | |men. |
|Back /bæk/ wcV |He took the bag on his back. |Beck /bek/ Bkviv |I could not grasp at his beck. |
|Berth /bɜːθ/ ‡ij ev Rvnv‡R NygvBevi |All the berths are reserved. |Birth /bɜːθ/ Rb¥ |She gave birth to a dead-child. |...