Students assessment

Students assessment

When learning a new language, learners confront a wide range of factors that are believed to constitute the blocks which prevents the learning process. This factors can be both external and internal, such elements can be based on the students' attitude, learners' age or motivation, unsuitable environment, shyness, fear of failing, lack of time, skills, teacher and teaching technique as well as the resources.
Learning blocks can be differentiated by the age of the learners. In the case of very young learners, two frequent types of blocks appear are considered, as their short attention duration and their fear of the teacher. Young students might struggle with block connected to their sensitivity about the opinion or reaction of their colleagues, as well as their concern relating to self-consciousness not to make mistakes. Adult learners might find the motivation factor as a block in their learning process, together with the possible lack of time, as in most cases bigger part of the day is occupied by the working time.
Besides the age related blocks in learning, there is suggested a common variety of barriers applicable for all age ranges.
All learners find the motivation as an affective factor to engage in a study, as their reasons to learn a new language differs. Some might have decided to become involved in the learning process due to academic purposes, self interest, travelling scopes, career purposes or migration aim. Opposite to learners whom have decided of their own to engage in a study stand the students who are forced to learn, whom show less enthusiasm about learning and less motivation. Students of all ages might appear to be shy and inferior, they will be afraid of addressing questions and probable will avoid contacts with the new language.
Learner’s natural language ability, cultural background, language origin, life context may be as well mentioned as an impediment that might occur while learning a language, current with students of all ages....

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