

  • Submitted By: baghdad04
  • Date Submitted: 02/04/2009 3:43 PM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 821
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 1

The essay question below is to be completed independently. You are permitted to use your book, notes, and any other outside materials. If you quote or paraphrase any printed material you must cite it and this includes information taken from your textbook. Any copying or plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment; see the syllabus for details on what’s considered copying or plagiarism and the penalty for these offenses.

Late work will be accepted but a 10% deduction will be assessed for every 24 hour period it is late. See syllabus for late work policy

Essay Question:
Sustainability is a hot topic these days. People have concerns like the rapid use of fossil fuels, pollution, global warming, deforestation, overpumping of water, overfarming, overfishing and others. People wonder if the earth and its limited natural resources can endure the stress from an ever-growing population and its never-ending demands. Part of this debate is centered around the free market system. Some say the free market is the problem, some say it’s the solution.

Research the debate on free markets and sustainability then complete the following essay based on the side of the debate you find yourself.

If you think free markets are the problem…
Review the nine characteristics of the classic market system identified in your text in chapter 2*. Explain which of the 9 characteristics lead to unsustainable production practices. Give a few real world examples when this has happened. If free markets create unsustainable practices how can a country maintain sustainability? Give real world examples to support your answer.

If you think free markets are the solution…
Review the nine characteristics of the classic market system identified in your text in chapter 2*. Explain which of the 9 characteristics can prevent unsustainable production practices. Give a few real world examples when this has happened. If free markets should prevent unsustainable practices why...