Talent management within Human Resources Department of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
10th May 2013
Word Count: 1542
The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde workforce is its main asset as it is the employees who deliver the care and support for the patients. It is vital therefore that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Board continue to invest in the development of the skills and knowledge of employees, so that they can operate professionally in a constantly changing environment.
In July 2010 Audit Scotland issued report "Best Value use of resources – people management”. The overall conclusion of this report was that NHSGGC was predominantly at the ''better practises'' level in terms of people management. ''Better practises'' means with some elements of good or even best practice, but not on the consistent basis.1 One of the areas identified for improvement was that NHSGGC did not have a coherent approach to talent management which would link together recruitment, retention, reward, appraisal processes and succession planning.2
The value and importance of talent management across the organisations is agreed. It is extraordinary then to recognise that Human Resources has neglected to focus on talent managing its own function. The value of developing HR staff as a driver to improve strategic contribution is becoming recently a serious discussion topic.
The purpose of this report is to highlight new skills and changes to talent and career management required in the transformed HR model. Also to recommend potential solutions and good practice, which has worked for other organisations.
In 2007 the CIPD Report, The Changing HR Function, found that 53 per cent of researched organisations had restructured their HR function in the previous year and 81 per cent had done so over the prior 5 years.3 This transformed HR model is about creating a function that has the skills and mindset to...