International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2012 ISSN 2250-3153
Technological Advancement and Changing Paradigm of Organizational Communication
Dr. Jyoti Sheoran
Asstt. Professor in English, Govt. College, Barwala, Hisar
Abstract- The development and advancement in technology has significantly improved our lifestyle. Technology has made its impact on nearly all the dimensions of life including ways of communication. Advancement in the field of communication has made remarkable improvement, starting from the symbol style of communication to the latest digital mobile equipments and computers. Communication itself has not changed, rather the means, which we use to communicate have changed. The manners associated with the ways we communicate with each other continue to be the key to how we understand each other. As new technology emerges, there are new manners associated with the new method of communication. Present study has descriptively analyzed and discussed the historical development, changing paradigms, latest issues and challenges of organizational communication. Index Terms- Changing Paradigms of Communication, Organizational Communication, Challenges in Effective Communication
I. INTRODUCTION ncrease in population of mankind and man’s desire to manage and provide all the resources and means of satisfaction for basic needs and comfort for every human being has lead to mass production of goods and services. Mass production is possible by organized working and interactive living together at work place. Organized working and interactive living is possible with effective, useful and well developed communication. The introduction and advancement of rapidly changing technology in all fields of development, controlled and managed by man, has immensely affected all walks of life of man including communication. The time of slow business communication and snail mail at work place has gone and importance of...