


Tenure is a policy that a teacher gets after two years of teaching which ensures that teachers can’t get fired unless there is severe circumstances. Tenure is good as it is used to protect teachers from unfair dismissal. I think a good teacher would be one who has some discipline but not too much, confident and have good knowledge of the subject they aspire to teach. Tenure allows bad teachers to stay in the classroom as often if a teacher isn’t doing good at the school then the school will just pass the to a different school. A problem with tenure is how it takes so long for things such as hearings for the teachers.Tenure was brought in to protect teachers from unfair dismissal. Tenure was good as for teachers they used to get fired for things we see now a day normal such as a women being pregnant or women wearing trousers. It was also created to protect teachers from being fired because of the colour of their skin or personal bias.

Another way tenure is good is how tenure protects older teachers from younger teachers taking their jobs. As a teachers get more experienced a school they get paid more so the school could save a lot of money by bringing in a teacher on low pay with no experience rather than paying an old teacher lots of money to teach with their experience.An argument against tenure is how it makes inadequate performing teachers both too expensive and hard to sack the teacher. It takes a lot of money to sack a teacher. According to the newspaper ‘time’ “California school board spent $8000to fire an instructor”. This a huge amount of money to spend just to fire a teacher. Also when a teacher is waiting on a hearing they go to which they sign in receive full pay and can do whatever they want in a room.

Another reason tenure is bad is how if a school poorly performing they just pass it on to the next school instead of spending the money they just pass them on to the next school which keeps on repeating until one school eventually...

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