Text linguistics

Text linguistics

(Text Linguistics
Module 1
Tasks for tutorial classes
Tutorial # 1 (1 hour)
Theme: The main stages and directions of text linguistics development
Task: Fill the table in according to stages and directions of text linguistics development

Theoretical approaches to TL

Urgent tasks of TL
Structuralism, the 1960s-1970s, grammatical approach to text description

Semantic –cognitive approach to text description

Communicative-pragmatic approach to text description

Typological approach to text description

Sociocultural approach to text description

Literary studies’ and stylistic approach to text description


Text Linguistics
Module 1
Tasks for tutorial classes
Tutorial # 2 (1 hour)
Theme: Text as a form/device and result of communication process. Text formation factors.
Task: Read the given text and identify in the text the following points:
type of text – 1) according to text genres of Functional Styles (The Belles-Lettres Style: novel, drama, story,etc.; Publicistic Style: oratory, speeches, essay, articles, etc; Newspaper Style:news, comment, press reports, articles, advertiments, anouncements, etc; Scientific Prose Style: paper,review, monograph,etc; The Style of official documents: business , legal , diplomatic documents, etc);
2) argumentative , narrative , descriptive , expository and instructive text types and their combinations..
sender –(individual, collective)
receiver-–(individual, collective ; social roles,etc.)
channel / code-(acoustic,visual; speech form: written, oral; etc.)
message (type of information according to I.R. Galperin :factual, conceptual, undercurrent, their combinations) --

context of situation (referential: life situation, reflected in a text; communicative: time, location, social context, communicative sphere, interpersonal relationship, etc. )-

pragmatic orientation of a...

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