The Downfall of Japan

The Downfall of Japan

Japanese people were stunned, shocked and fearful when America declared war on them. In 1941 just after Pearl Harbor these thoughts were pushed away when Japan started conquering down the Pacific. The Victories of Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore made Japanese troops gain confidence and think themselves as invincible. The Prime minister of Japan Suzuki made speeches to the citizens and promised them victory and overthrowing USA and Britain. He also told them, “We will fight until the last day.” The downfall of Japan was coming because they were not as industrialized as America , didn't have enough technology and not enough resources.
During the war between 1941-1942 a Japanese girl described that everyday on the radio it broad casted the winning feats. The atmosphere wasn't tense but excitement sparkled and celebrations lasted for days at time. “It was almost like a festival.” Years before Pearl Harbor mock air-raid drills were sounded. Japanese children were prepared in mid and body to serve the emperor. Obedience and discipline were what children were taught at a young age. If war was coming on the sons and husbands sent to die for the emperor was the highest honor ever.
In April 18th 1942 Americans started air raids on Japan. This was the vulnerability on Japanese military. From June 1942 onwards Japanese fought simply for survival. There was a midway battle between Japan & America in the Northern Pacific Ocean which was kept a secret to Japanese citizens. In this battle the Japanese unmistakably lost with one Japanese battleship sunk, one damaged badly and the other two only had minor damage. Japanese air force which started at 430 was reduced to 100 planes in one day. They were not well armored and pilots had less experience.
The first battle of the Islands was Saipan. American soldiers were told that if they won this that meant it was a open road to Japan- if Saipan was lost then so was the whole of Japan. Soldiers were confident against the Japanese...

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