The Exegesis

The Exegesis

Brad Davis
Religion 201
Prof. John Ritter
01 April 2012
The supernatural wrath of God from heaven made known against those who choose not to acknowledge the truth of God because of their practiced wickedness. There is no excuse for men to practice wickedness and choose ignorance to ignore what God has created, namely the world and all of its inhabitants not limited to the Universe. The knowledge of God is evident in creation and his nature of goodness is evident by what has been created. Man has chosen a superficial knowledge of God which can be seen in the attitude of the children of Israel in the wilderness: their captivity and exile from the “promised mother land.” The Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ time also demonstrated the knowledge of God, but were separated from the love of God because of their emphasis on religious practices and traditions, and not faith. Because of continued ignorance of truth, man has been purged into darkened hearts which cover the enlightenment of their souls culminating in the depravity of spirit: they are unable to come into the truth of God because they refuse the proper acknowledgement of God. Man has an inherent nature to worship: they must worship “something.” Because of the ignorance of God in the minds of men, and the need to worship, such adoration reserved for God has been conceded to the worship of Gods creations. The idolatrous condition of man’s heart has led to severe ramifications from God. Men have displaced their worship of God and consequently are spiritually dead, fulfilling every desire of a wicked heart and committing abominations against their own bodies: the pure and natural relationships reserved for men and women have become exchanged resulting in complete sexual degradation. Man has become sinister and violent; murderous and destructive, ignoring the righteousness of God and his ordinances, and completely emerged in self-will instead of the will of God. Every...

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