The F4U Corsair

The F4U Corsair

  • Submitted By: jenn234
  • Date Submitted: 09/16/2009 6:20 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 515
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 353

The F4U Corsair was developed in 1938. The idea of the plane was to design the smallest reliable aircraft with a powerful engine. The Corsair was the most powerful naval aircraft. It was also the first US single engine fighter to achieve over 400 mph. It was most recognized for its W shaped wings, it was also feared by the Japanese Zero pilots.
The P-40 Warhawk was the first single-seat fighter plane that was produced a lot. Almost half of the USAAF planes were P-40’s. The P-40 Warhawk was a very tough and dependable aircraft. The Soldiers loved the way it looked as well.
The B-17 entered service in 1941, The Flying Fortress is probably the most famous American bomber of WWII. In the beginning, the plane was lacking anit-fighter defence. It was known as the Fortress because of its ability to adapt and survive its surroundings.
The Aichi D3A was typically used as a carrier-based bomber. It also attended the first waves that flew over Pearl Harbour. The Aichi D3A were great at accuracy in their bombings.
The J2Mwas designed like no other plane before. It was fast and had lots of firepower. It was designed to bring down big and heavy bombers. The J2M could fly higher than any other fighter plane.
The design of the Aichi M6A was a single engine plane that floats. This plane was considered to be the best plane to be carried by a submarine.
The Avro Lancaster was considered as Britians greatest bomber of WWII, it was the main plane that was used for attacking Germany at night. This heavy aircraft delivered big bombs more than any other plane in Europe.
The Hawker Tempest had great qualities for a WWII plane. In 1944, it became the best British fighter aircraft of the war. The aircraft was used to destroy tanks, trains, and it was also good at intercepting missles, shooting them and also sending them to the ground intrupting its balance with the wingtip.
The Spitfire was the most famous airplane of WWII, it was the only airplane that could really...