The Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve

“Give me control of a nation’s money supply and I care not who makes its laws” ~ Mayer Rothschild. In order to understand the world we live in today the government and the financial market, we must first understand something about history and its inescapable habits of repeating itself. On just the most basic of scales we can begin to understand better our current social behavior. Like many people today I lived life in a “dreamland” in that I went about life making and spending money and never really thinking twice about where the money came from, what the “actual” worth of the money was or why it was printed in the first place. These particular issues did not concern me. I come from to say the least “very humble beginnings” and when we had a little money in our pockets, the last thing on our mind was where the money came from. I went to work for a salary and at the end of the week I earned a check and I went about my business in spending it as I saw fit. It was not until many years later that the “actual value” of the money I was making became a more concerning issue to me.
It is clear to see today, especially since the creation of internet and social media, the current financial crisis that our country is facing. It is not just the U.S. but the euro in the EU and the countries that all under that central banking system are headed towards economic failure. Why is this happening again? You see, history plays a major role in current events to date in that it is known for repeating itself. It is to the point where our future, as a nation can actually be predicted based on statistical data alone. What that means is that our nation’s current financial crisis and national security issues all stem from incorrect and selfish decisions which have been made several times before by the few (in comparison to society) elite people in the power, for self-preservation and benefit. All the while the nation’s people continue to suffer and fall victims to the practices of war,...

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