The Great Divide: Middle School and High School

The Great Divide: Middle School and High School

Have you ever wondered about what shaped you into the person you are now? Middle school and High school have a very large part in this change. Showing the changes between the two could help understand a little bit more of what we think. Some of the key points to be touched will be: Peer pressure, teachers, and responsibility. Breaking it down with examples in society. Naturally, these changes between the two schools occur. These changes are not quick either they take a while to do so with a lot of maturity and growth in the process.

In each level of schooling peer pressure can make or break a person. In Middle school fitting in is such a big deal and causes drama. On the first day of school many of the students are faced with a strange environment and don’t know their surroundings, which causes some to panic. Being faced with the new environment and strange people causes many people to cave in and lose sight of their morals. Where in high school after already facing this adversity cooping with it and learning from it is not nearly as bad. Learning from past experiences makes high school students have a lot better judgment. When asked to try new things many students will act on peer pressure in middle school, rather than in high school. At a high school I noticed students are not afraid to voice their opinion and stand for what they want. This is partly due to the fact of growth and maturity as well as some realize that college is around the corner and could care less about what there peers think.

In middle schools, the teachers treat the students as children. For example, "Ok now, you need to do your homework. Have you done it yet?" The teachers do so in a very soothing voice. But at the high school level the students are more in control of there own fate. Whether it be doing homework, or not doing it and the student receiving a failing grade. In high school the teachers know that it is not there fault if a student falls behind simply because the...

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