The Importance Of Taking Notes By: Lcpl Mathew J. Shapoila Jr.: A T Tow Plt I, Matthew J. Shapoila JR., here by declare that note taking is one of the most important things you could ever do in life. It’s more important than trying to figure out a career to pursue in life. It could quite possibly save your life in a combat zone, much like Operation D.A.N. (Destroy Al-Bundy North). When I say taking notes can help you in a combat zone, I do not mean take notes while in contact. I mean that if you had not properly taken notes then you would notknow how to properly clear a misfire when your broke piece of shit m-16 breaks, and you could possibly kill one of your ‘brothers’. That would be probably the most extremely baddest things ever, next to not taking notes of course. Also, taking notes will help you to memorize this VITAL technical data/information on the numerous weapon systems employed by our beloved United States Marine Corps(USMC). Which in turn, this vast amount of technical data will definitely put you ahead of the competition when you are heading out into the real world trying to acquire a career. Most people can not disassemble an M240B medium machine gun in less than a minute, and that will definitely get you a management position at Movie Gallery and/or Hot Topic. As well as with knowing the firing rates of an M249 Squad Automatic Weapon system, which is utilized by one out the four components of aUnited States Marine Corps(USMC) fire team.. However, in this day and age with the current situation with the terrorist in the Middle East, this weapon system will most like be chilling in the back of an MRAP (mine resistant ambush protected vehicle) more commonly known as “Cougar”. Nicknamed because even though she has got a little bit of age, I would still fuck her. I am sorry;I got off of topic there for a short minute. Back to the subject of the superb importance of knowing why to take notes, and why it is super important. The firing rates of the M249...