The Pledge

The Pledge

The Pledge, a film directed by Sean Penn, set us on the mysterious path of Jerry Black, a police detective, who has come to the crossroad of retirement. Retirement is a monumental transition for anyone, and Jerry seemingly has plans to spend the rest of his days fishing. This is hinted at where Jerry is awarded a fishing trip, and enjoys ice fishing on a lake that appears to be completely deserted whose only companion is fine bottle of Scotch. This portrayal of solitude, and drinking alone is not a good scenario for a man about to retire, but a sudden change of events leads him to a battle with fate that cannot be won. Jerry’s reluctance to stop working, and need to fulfill his promise casts him on a journey that eventually drives him to losing his fortune, his mind, and the new found love of his life.
Jerry is said to be a great detective with an exemplary record and worth ethic. His work method and desire to serve are very virtuous qualities of a police officer typically considered as heroic; however, this last job will lead him to tragedy. As Jerry is about to embark into his retirement from the police force, his workmates surprise him with party and give a fishing trip as a farewell gift. This should be accepted as an amazing gift considering Jerry’s love of fishing, yet is is easily distracted by a private meeting between his supervisor, Eric Pollack, and successor, Stan Krolak, meeting in private. Jerry investigates and finds that a brutal murder of a young girl, Ginny Larson, has taken place earlier that day. This news triggers a desire for the hunt inside of Jerry and convinces Pollack and Krolak to include him in the investigation. During the investigation Jerry shows masterful skill in his investigational method, very particulate in his detail. He even finds errors that his successor makes at the crime scene. It seems that Jerry’s method is beginning to take him deep into crime but gets taken fully into it when he delivers the grievous...

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