Mentoring is basically a relation ship between two persons where by a person having greater experience, expertise and wisdom counsels and helps another person to develop both personally as well as professionally. The purpose is to foster positive and constructive relationships between experienced state employees who are the mentors and the less experienced employees. On the other hand, Career development is a long term process in dedication to the development of professional knowledge, skills and expertise for the employees. Career development is always for the benefit of both the individual as well as the organization as it provides to the individual a more efficient, productive and successful environment. Therefore, career development not only motivates individuals who are interested in long-term career goals but also provide them multiple ways to develop their careers through effective planning and mentoring.
A mentor is an experienced and trusted adviser to an inexperienced coworker. In today’s world of globalization and free market economy, trade and business have gained a lot of importance within the country as well as globally. So now business is not only restricted within the state but also expanded vastly to whatever part of the globe the businessmen feel to. However, the trends have changed with the speedy development of technology and modern tools of business. There was a time that only trained business professionals used to get into business but now, one who has money though no experience and knowledge of business ethics and legalities starts its own business. Therefore, one important question comes to our mind. How do they succeed in this world of competition where a number of experienced business professionals have been there since the beginning? This can be achieved though the use of a mentor. In the present business world of globalization and modernization, new businessmen as well as old business professionals both are working behind the...