The Story of a Vengeful Son

The Story of a Vengeful Son

  • Submitted By: foxylady
  • Date Submitted: 12/10/2008 8:07 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 1130
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 523

Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of a vengeful son, who is waiting to seek revenges for the murder of his father. In this play; Hamlets father is murdered by the new king, Claudius, Hamlets uncle. In the developing of the play Hamlet is seeking revenge against his uncle which turns into hate. However, the king’s son, Hamlet, is struggling with his own internal dilemmas, proving that Claudius is the murderer of his father. While dealing with these dilemmas, Hamlet is not only incapable but also reluctant to follow through with the revenge, which creates his delay in the play. Waiting to seek his revenge on Claudius, Hamlets decision was beneficial to Hamlet because he was able to gather all the facts he need to accuse Claudius for the death of his father, without acting on the impulses of revenge, and finally dismiss any internal doubts he may have.
Hamlet’s world, during the funeral, was full of doubt and confusion about his father’s death. One of Hamlets first delaying factors is when he must decide if what he heard was true about his father’s ghost seen in the tower, and if he believes what the ghost tells him. He does not know if the ghost speaks the truth or if he is just going mad. Hamlet first hears about the ghost from his friend Horatio, but Hamlet does not quit grasp the realness of the situation. Hamlet can not believe what he is hearing; to him it is as if Horatio is hallucinating. However, while comprehending the idea of his father’s ghost, Hamlet decides to see if what Horatio says is indeed true. Once Hamlet sees for himself that the ghost exists, The Prince of Denmark is still left with the lingering question: could this be a trick or perhaps a work of the devil himself that caused his father’s spirit to linger after death. Hamlet is told by his father’s ghost,
‘Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, /
A serpent stung me. So the whole eat of Denmark. /
Is by a forged process of my death /...

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