

Romeo and Juliet throughout the years have been expressed in many theatrical versions. It is one of the most well recognized plays in all time, because of its substantial acting and dramatic quarells. William Shakespeare and Baz Luhrmann may have different interpretations, but share the same basic theme. With the differences and similarities, they both represent messages about love and hate. One of the biggest elements exhibited in the play and the film is the light and dark theme. Shakespeare's version uses words to indicate the message that Juliet is the day, and Romeo is the night by using metaphors. Luhrmann's film though, uses water to portray the message of light and dark meaning love and hate. With scenes of death with dark water, and scenes of love with lit up water. In the film, the general idea is expressed with more emotion because the audience can understand the characters voices and actions more thoroughly. William Shakespeare's original play got directed more towards the Elizabethan era because that is when the play was first written, so it was in a language that the people who lived then would be able to recognize better. However, Luhrmann's film was created in 1996, so it was targeted at a more recent generation. It is shown by having different scenery, clothes, dialogue and props to go along with. As well the movie has a modern twist on everything though scenes of partying, drugs, newly made wepaons and also material possesions that the families have and live with. Whereas they may differ in many ways, they both still depict the distressing love story of Romeo and Juliet.