Tqm - Salient Featyres and Other Aspects Related to Tqm

Tqm - Salient Featyres and Other Aspects Related to Tqm

{text:bookmark-start} 1. Distinguish between assignable causes and natural causes affecting the quality of goods and services
Types of variations: There are two kinds of variations. They are: Assignable causes of variations, and Chance/natural causes of variations.
When only chance causes are present in process, the process is considered to be in control as shown in fig 2.When an assignable causes of vibration are also present, then the variation will be excessive and the process is classified as out of control i.e., beyond the expected normal variation. Fig: 1.Therefore, the objective of control charts is to restrict the chance causes of variations by detecting and eliminating the assignable causes.
2. How will you differentiate control charts for variables from control charts for attributes?
The two basic types of control charts are:
Control charts for variables and control charts for attributes
*3.What* is process capability analysis? Distinguish it from process performance *analysis*. Also explain *the *relationship between process capability and customer specifications with suitable diagrams.
Process capability analysis:
Process capability = 6σ, is also called as natural tolerance.
*The purposes of process capability analysis are*:
To find out whether the process is inherently capable of meeting the specified tolerance limits
To identify why a process ‘capable’ is failing to meet specifications
Or the Cpk index
Relationship between process performance capability and customer specifications:
Interpretation of Cp:
The larger the capability index Cp, the better the quality. So one has to improve the Cp value by improving process capability and having realistic specifications.
*4. Discuss the s*alient features of TQM:
TQM is a Management approach of an organisation, centered on quality
It is a People focused management system...

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