Types of Vegetarian

Types of Vegetarian

Being a vegetarian, and being in a vegetarian diet means that a person is practicing a diet where they don’t eat any animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, and slaughter-by-products. People can turn into a vegetarian because of religion, morality, culture, taste, health, economy, society, environment, etc. There are 6 types of vegetarianism. Pescatarians (Pescetarian): Pescatarian is a vegetarian diet in which they exclude all meat except fish. This type of vegetarianism is very common, and more people are adapting to this diet. Most people are pescatarians because of health reasons, or a small step into being a full vegetarian. Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian: Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian is a vegetarian who eats a vegetarian diet, but occasionally eats meat. Lacto-Vegetarian/Ovo-Vegetarian: Lacto-Vegetarians are people that don’t eat meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, or any animal flesh, but eats dairy products. Ovo-Vegetarians are people that don’t eat meat or dairy products, but eats eggs. Vegan: Vegans doesn’t eat any meat or any animal byproducts (dairy, eggs). Raw vegan/Raw food diet: Raw Vegans eats unprocessed vegan food, which hasn’t been heated above 46 degrees Celsius. Raw Vegans believe that food that has been cooked over 46 degrees lose a big amount of their nutritional value and are harmful for their body. Macrobiotic: Macrobiotic diet is famous for its very healthy and healing qualities. Macrobiotics eats unprocessed vegan food, like whole grain, fruits and veggies, and occasionally fish. Macrobiotics tries to avoid sugar and oils. The Macrobiotic diet consists lost of Asian vegetables, such as daikon and sea vegetables. A positive thing about vegetarians are that the plant food they eat are very healthy. Plant-based diets can reduce heart diseases, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, and other illnesses. A negative thing about vegetarians are that they have to be extra careful of what they are eating. Vegetarians must be aware...

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