

Case Study: Vidding – Free Expression or Copyright Piracy?
According to our text, “Vidding is the practice of creating new videos, sometimes called songvids or fanvids, which take existing clips, usually from popular television shows, anime series, or music videos, and blends them with a song (Lawrence, A.T & Weber, 2011).” I think that now days people are using vidding as more of expressing themselves. Our text also states, “Utilitarian reasoning is an ethical approach that emphasizes the consequences of an action and seeks the overall amount of good that can be produced by an action or a decision (Lawrence, A.T & Weber, 2011).” Our text also says, “Human rights are a concept used in ethical reasoning that means that a person or group is entitled to something or is entitled to be treated in a certain way(Lawrence, A.T & Weber, 2011).” Justice is the ethical way of empathizing whether the distribution of benefits and burdens are fair.
Personally, I think vidding is just a way for a person to express themselves. Vidding is a combination of narrative storytelling and visual poetry (Lawrence, A.T & Weber, 2011). Sometimes they are taking the work of others and using part of it by mixing it up with a new masterpiece in the end. There is a professor named Francesca Coppa that said, “Vidding is a way of seeing (Lawrence, A.T & Webber, 2011).” I personally believe that it is another person’s point of view and how they see things, even if they are using part of what someone had already created.
There are three different criteria that can be used when making choices that are ethical. First you have utilitarianism that seeks the greatest good for the majority. Second, you have rights that seek to respect and protect the rights of individuals. The third is justice that seeks enforcement of rules in a fair and impartial way to everyone. Of the three ethical criteria mentioned, I would like to focus on justice. What is...

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