Voice of Small Countries in International Arena

Voice of Small Countries in International Arena

| International negotiationHow do small countires ensure that their voice is heard-Seminar work-. AbstractThe aim of this essay is to attract an attention to the position of the smaller states in modern, globalized conditions in the world. Exploring the possibilities of small countries to successfully represent their interests in international environment and enabling their development and proper position are often neglected among other issues, and I decided to examine the present situation in the field. Their size often lowers their possibility to contribute to the international issues, even though their expertise sometimes has crucial importance. With emphasising their striving to be heard and the methods they are using, I tried to show their willingness to be heard and properly represented in the world of bigger and more powerful players. Their way to the progess can also mean the prosperity for the humanity as a whole.IntroductionFirstly used as main condition for differing countries about their power, geographical and population size are nowadays commonly replaced with other variables indicating power, like GDP. Country classification suggested by J. A. K. Hey into three groups (microstates with population less than one million, small states in the developed world and small state in so called third world, many of which are larger in population and geographical size than states in the first two categories) did not only take into account the population, but also location of the state and its socio-economic level of development. Nowadays, however, power is more recently mentioned as a variable that plays an important role in decision whether country is big or small on international scene. Power can be understood as influence and autonomy. Regarded in the atmosphere of international relations, we distinguish two qualifications: in quantitative terms such as GDP, military capacity or even number of diplomatic...

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