Warriors Ethos

Warriors Ethos

To start off the Warriors Ethos, you need to know exactly what a warriors ethos is. To everyone, depending on your time era, what you're doing in life, or plain simply, your gender, a warrior’s ethos is different. Like to me, a warrior’s ethos would be the honor courage and commitment of enlisting into the Marine Corps. I now stand beside thousands of other Marines day-by-day, ready for war, or whatever else is thrown towards us. To me warrior’s ethos is knowing that the brothers and sisters standing beside me will always have my back, and I will never be left behind. Through thick and thin, we, Marines, will always prevail. To me, a Warriors ethos is knowing that I will one day possibly go to combat with others Marines, and I may have to do something that could cost me my life, which I believe any Marine should be willing to give his life for his brothers and sisters standing beside them. It doesn't matter if you like them or not. What matters is the fact that we are all Marines and we will always we Brothers.

At the same time, the Warriors Ethos, to me, always depicts the way of life back home. How I took care of my family after my father passed away. I had to fend for my family, but not in the sense of having to kill or be killed. I more or less became the man of the house, and certain tasks were dropped onto me before I knew it, and I had to get those things done. A warrior’s ethos is directly correlated to war. It, to me, is how you take charge of something, or step up to the plate. It's knowing your place, and getting your portion done in life, or even standing out and doing more. Its doing what needs to be done, with no questions asked.

To pick one specific place and time that specifies the Warriors Ethos would be impossible. You cannot say that it all took...

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