

Zackerie Millikan
Definition paper
Faith: Something I Truly Love
According to Google.com, the term faith means to have complete trust or confidence in someone or something, or strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Most people when they think of the word faith they think of religion, God, or some type of spiritual idol. Faith is a rather common word with no strange definition, but to some people it has a greater meaning. To a particular set of people faith is a way of life, to some others it is a general word like the rest, but to a few people it has a rather peculiar meaning.
The notorious website Dictionary.com defines the word faith as the confidence or trust in a person or thing; belief that is not based on proof; belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion; belief in anything, as a code of ethics, standards of merit; a system of religious belief. These five definitions would be the more common definitions of the word faith. Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Jewish, and so on are religions, being in a religion states the faith someone has in their respective religion. Faith is a broad term with many definitions, however to the general public; it is a rather definitive term with very limited understanding of its full definition.
The majority of people have a good understanding of the dictionary definition; however to me it has a rather unique meaning. Faith is the name of my girlfriend. A rather obvious statistic is most people in America are not in a relationship or married with the same name, so thus making the meaning of faith unique in my case. Faith is a name that is a common name in today’s time; however it was not popular until the early 90’s. For myself, faith has a different meaning than the typical definition that most people know.
Faith is the synonym of religion, typically stating if a person has faith he/she has faith. The general...