week eight

week eight

 Week Eight Assignment

Risa, Hobson

I am inclined to believe that I am currently at the “mature-adulthood” stage in “Ericksons stages of life”. It is a stage that is “described briefly” as having a firmer grasp on the things that make you, you. It means having a need for things that which will outlast you like children etc. It is a time when the victories are sweeter and the failures that are had are much harder to take.
I have not only made up my mind as to what I care, and do not care for, I am strong in my convictions, and hold to them regardless of what it is I may face. I have a very firm grasp as to what it is I can handle in my day to day life, and what it is I am able to care for. I also have a firm” handle” as to what is realistic, in nature to reach out for and attempt to attain (Erickson, 1969, Psycho-Biographical Study of The Life of Mahatma Gandhi). I am fully aware that life is short, and that it is folly too have “dreams” that are not realistic. I know what it is I am able to handle. That is why I have worked two full time jobs for the past three years without incident, because I know my limits, and what I can take.
The central question that is raised by this stage is “how can I fashion a gift? This is an interesting question because it is something that I have struggled with. I have a propensity to attempt to “buy” love with material gifts. This is not always needed, as it is the gifts of time, and love that tend to matter the most. I am in the process of letting go of the material.
The person I have chosen to pontificate on is my brother. I feel that he is currently in the “Adolescence, and Young Adulthood” stage of his life according to “Ericksons” stages of life. In this stage it can be “briefly described” as a time when one wants to discover self, and what it is that make one ‘tick”. A time when...

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