who am i

who am i

Taylor Thompson
English 099

Hanging across ones body the film camera may be scene as small or big. Its size does not matter its all the same in the end. The camera its self has many different views. This is what mater it aspires not to be greatness but to be usefulness. When you least expect it you can look through the lens-of a film camera and capture the moment if happy or sad. It can stand the test-of-time. When looking through the lens the world slows down to tell a story you have to be creative in which why you want to portray to the world; Thus, you must be patient when something dose not go the way you want it to therefore, you look for new ways to go about the photo. You can see the world in its own way also, open to new ideas and not just closed mined; when looking trough a camera you can see more then meets the eye. Furthermore, it likes to keep its secrets in the dark, but will only reveal hem when they need to de developed and require some light to be shin on to the story. It has a flash about it that can light up a room or shed light on to things that most people cant see it guide you through the darkness. It can also be just black-and-white judgment are seeing things as right or wrong or, may be more literal then that. A photo can say a thousand worlds. On another note, it can do more things at one time like take a photo and shoot the flash why’ll telling someone to stand and pose how they wont them to.

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