Why Did War Break Out in Europe in 1939?

Why Did War Break Out in Europe in 1939?

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we should at least save the earth from the stuff we are doing.
this is unbelievableIn March 1856 the war was brought to a close through the Peace of Paris. Great Britain and France assisted by Piedmont-Sardinia had been victorious over the Russian Empire on the Crimean peninsula in the war fought since 1854. The War had ended a period of European peace that had lasted since the 1815 Vienna Settlement. Russia’s power in Central and Eastern Europe was reduced by the defeat losing territory and falling into economic disarray. The French under their Emperor Napoleon III now had an open field to become the dominant continental power. Britain under the premiership of Viscount Palmerston had protected trade with the East, primarily India, by bolstering the Ottoman Empire against Russian expansion.

Napoleon III had gained ‘La Gloire’ for the nation and prestige for himself enabling consolidation of his power gained by plebiscite on 1/12/1852. In the parliamentary elections of 1857 5,471,000 voted for the government while 665,000 against. This period of political stability enabled France under the Second Empire to rapidly economically and socially develop. Increased investment prevailed with a railway construction boom and the grand Suez Canal project (1859-1869). Universal suffrage was a lasting change although at this point under a hereditary Emperor. Relief for old age, maintenance of low bread prices and the right to strike and hold public meeting also helped to increase the welfare of the masses.

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