Why is the initial consultation so important?

Why is the initial consultation so important?

“Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical
therapist cover at this time?”
Word count: x,xxx (x,xxx with references)
In all walks of life, the first time we meet someone is significant as this is the time
when we form our first impressions of people, which then dictates whether or not
we feel we will be able to develop a rapport with that person. As the saying goes,
you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. This is also true when
meeting a client or therapist for the first time. The initial consultation affords both
parties the opportunity to meet face to face and establish whether or not a rapport
can be developed and a professional relationship fostered that will ultimately
generate the changes and outcomes desired from therapy.
Of course, in a professional capacity, it is not simply a case of finding out whether or
not the client and therapist will ‘get along’, although that will obviously help. There
are many other factors that need to be discussed and information to be obtained
during the initial consultation, both for the purposes of successful therapy and in
adhering to an ethical method of working.
Once qualified, hypnotherapists are required to follow certain rules and practice
within an ethical code of conduct, which is in the interests of the client and therapist
alike. Qualified therapists should always have membership with appropriate societies
and regulating bodies, for example The National Hypnotherapy Society, that will
supply a Code of Ethics that the therapist will be expected to adhere to. In terms of
the client-therapist relationship, the Code of Ethics will outline particular guidelines
relating to the delivery of service, client welfare, confidentiality and maintenance of
client records, all of which should be explained and disclosed to the client during the
initial consultation.
In order to demonstrate why the initial consultation is so important, the following

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