Woman Battery

Woman Battery

Battered woman syndrome is a universal problem that does not discriminate against age, race, or social class. Women are subjected to psychological and emotional torment. Adverse factors on such a vicious topic include the causes behind such abuse, the emotional state of the woman and why it is characterized as a mode of self-defense.
Women are often battered so they are kept silent. “Despite guarantees of legalized equality between men and women, this silencing often compromises the possibility of women's full and active participation in society and their rights as citizens in a democracy.”( Mullen 1999). Back in history woman would be beaten and nothing would be done about the situation. Violence was considered a family issue and would have been kept private. When domestic violence was witnesses it was often, overlooked and deemed to be handled in a private matter among family members. In more recent years laws have changed, and the law is getting more involved by attempting to put a stop to violence. “Punishment for offenders is often divided along racial lines in the United States. Research shows that Black men accused of raping white women, were and still are more likely to be charged and convicted than Black men accused of raping Black women.” “Men from the lower class or men of color are

commonly stereotyped--when accused, they are assumed to be guilty of battering their wives or partners, while white men from the middle or upper classes are far less likely to be accused or convicted for battering.”( Mullen 1999). Even though the laws that are set out should be applied to everyone no matter what their race, religion, culture and class that is not always the case. Often, money can be a huge factor contributing to abuse. It is more likely for a man to beat his wife if he is poor rather then a man that is wealthy. Violence is also subjected upon woman, so a man can feel powerful. When a man beats his wife or any woman, they feel as if they...

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