E-Learning vs Conventional Learning

E-Learning vs Conventional Learning

E-learning refers to a mode of learning wherein the learning resources are provided electronically. The learning topics and material can be forwarded by e-mail or offered in the form of CD-ROMs or through on-line learning portals.
In e - learning methodology,the student can choose the programme based on his / her career goals and existing level of exposure.It becomes possible to learn at the pace and time convenient to oneself the course material can be assimilated comfortably and without error.Quizzes and Case Questions help in clarifying the doubts.Student can ask questions from the teacher, without fear or hesitation.
In a conventional classroom, the methodology is largely dependent on the individual lecturer's spoken words.Learning is through use of sense of sight and hearing.Student might not be able to copy the notes accurately or completely.
Everyone does not get equal opportunity to ask questions or clarify doubts. The active students get more opportunity than the others.
Some of the biggest disadvantages of conventional learning are that you have to go there to attend the classes when they are offered. Conventional classes usually cost more than e-learning classes do, too.
Benefits of e-learning are its is an efficient method of learning without having to physically go for classes.Saves time and cost of travel, specially beneficial to working people.Schedule of study does not interfere with the daily job or business.
Cuts down the boredom of listening to a monotonous lecture.Student has choice of when to study and at what speed to study.
A comfortable route for enhancing one's career prospects.No limitation in terms of age or background.
To succeed at e-learning you have to be reasonably self-disciplined and self-motivated. Nobody is standing over you making sure you meet deadlines or do your work. If you can't manage your time and don't have the self-discipline to stay on task, e-learning won't work well for you.
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