Achieving Project Goals Simulation

Achieving Project Goals Simulation

Achieving Project Goals Simul.
Week 2 Assignment
Chiquella Rice
Jimmy Ruth
August 02, 2007

Achieving Project Goals Simulation
If feel this simulation has changed my perspective of project management, because I was not aware that project management could be used in out of element situations. I thought it was relegated to software or developmental projects. This simulation has given me a broader perspective on the impact project management has on our everyday lives. Project management can be applied to something as simple as planning our work week or planning a child’s summer vacation. Project management does not have to be compressed to fit a specific need, but can be used as a tool for all ages and groups.
This simulation provided an even playing filed for both the advantages and limitations of project management. The advantages that were identified with this project were that with planning, it gives a picture of how everything should go providing there are no unforeseen circumstances that occur. Project management for this simulation gave a clear picture of the steps that would be taken to ensure that everything goes as smooth as possible. The simulation provided a sequential listing of how the elephants would be transported to the reservation park. It also provided step by step information on how care for the animals while in the transportation process. Another advantage the process provided was a timeline given to detail how long each activity should take, when caring for and transporting the elephants from the time they are captured, to the time they are rounded up to go into the new conservation area. Project management also provided an example of things that could possibly go wrong in the process, yet gave alternatives as a precautionary measure. In addition to the advantages shown for project management if of this project, the limitations of project manage were displayed as well. Some of the limitations to the project...

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