American Pageant

American Pageant


Chapter 6
1. Explain what caused the great contest for North America between Britain and France, and why Britain won.
2. Describe France’s colonial settlements and their expansion, and compare New France with Britain’s colonies in North America.
3. Explain how the series of wars with France helped foster greater unity among the British colonies.
4. Explain how North American political and military events were affected by developments on the larger European stage.
5. Indicate how and why the Seven Years’ War (French and Indian) became one of the background causes of the American Revolution.

Chapter 7
1. Explain the deeply rooted historical factors that moved America toward independence from Britain.
2. Describe the theory and practice of mercantilism and explain why Americans resented it.
3. Explain why Britain attempted tighter control and taxation of Americans after 1763 and why Americans resisted these efforts.
4. Describe the major British efforts to impose taxes and tighten control of the colonies.
5. Describe the methods of colonial resistance that forced repeal of all taxes except the tax on tea.
6. Explain how sustained agitation and resistance to the tea tax led to the Intolerable Acts and the outbreak of war.
7. Asses the balance of forces between the British and American rebels as the two sides prepared for war.
Chapter 8
1. Describe how Americans engaged in major military hostilities with Britain after April 1775, even while proclaiming their loyalty to the British crown.
2. Explain why Paine’s Common Sense finally propelled Americans to declare their independence n the summer of 1776, and outline the principle ideas of “republicanism” that Paine and other American revolutionary leaders promoted.
3. Explain the specific reasons and general principles used in the Declaration of Independence to justify America’s separation.
4. Understand the American Revolution as a civil war as well as a...

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