Bantu Migrations

Bantu Migrations

the bantu migrations
the bantu are believed to have originated from westafrica in the benue cross region of present day cameroun and nigeria. the word bantu simply means people that speak similar languages. today the bantu people are spread all across central and southern africa.
reasons for the bantu migrations.
several reasons account for the bantu migrations. most of these reasons are based on congectures. the following are some of the reasons why the bantu migrated from west africa to central and southern africa.
it is believed that population played a very critical role in the migration. the number of the bantu people increased in west africa so some people had to move in search of new land.
the drying up of the sahara desert also might have contributed to forcing the bantu people to migrate southwards. when the sahara was expanding people had no choice but to move in search of better and fertile land for cultivation.
it is possible that succession disputes could have contributed to the bantu migrations. those who lost the succession disputes left for other areas where they would establish themselves as rulers.
some people might have migrated due to harsh and cruel leadership. some bantu chiefs were so cruel that they offered very stiff punishment even for a very minor offence. some people could have left in fear of this kind of bad treatment.
some bantu migrated because they did not want to be sold as slaves.
some of the bantu people migrated because of their occupations. for instance fishermen were in search of rivers to kill fish, hunters were looking for animals to kill, pastoralists were looking for greener pastures for their animals.
other bantu could have moved because of the farming system they practised. for example those who practised shifting cultivation moved slowly every year in search of new land.
it appears mere adventure may have contributed to the migrations as well. some people simply moved in order to experience new type of...

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