bio is a joke

bio is a joke

Dana Zapanta
Mrs. Cullina
Biology CP
Block E
24 February 2014
Lab Partners:
_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

Group #: _____

Title: Investigation 9A and 9B: Transcription and Translation

Pre-Lab Discussion Questions:
1.) Describe how each of the following are involved in transcription.
a.) Template Strand:
This is fundamentally the complementary strand to the complementary strand of the original
strand in transcription.
b.) mRNA:
In transcription, the mRNA molecule combines a number of things into a consistent whole from
the template strand of DNA.
c.) Base Pairing:
In base pairing, Uracil is the base instead of Thymine, meaning Adenine would pair with Uracil
in transcription.

2.) Describe how each of the following are involved in translation.
a.) mRNA:
In translation, this molecule takes complementary copies of code sequences from DNA and
carries them from the nucleus to the ribosomes.
b.) tRNA:
The tRNA molecule relocates each amino acid to the ribosome as clearly identified in the coded
messages in mRNA.
c.) rRNA/ Ribosome:
In translation, ribosomes are the main scene of protein synthesis. The rRNA molecule keeps
ribosomes in a certain area and helps establish the starting point of the rRNA message.
d.) Amino Acid:
Amino acids make proteins, linking together to form long polypeptide chains.

3.) State where each of the following processes takes place in a cell.
a.) DNA Replication:
Takes place in the nucleus.
b.) Transcription:
Takes place in both the nucleus and cytoplasm.
c.) Translation:
Takes places only in the cytoplasm.

Through the manipulation of beads, to simulate the processes of transcription and translation.
(Cullina, 2014)


• Pop-it beads: 40 black, 40 white, 32 green,
32 red, 20 pink

• DNA molecules from Investigation 9A
• Masking tape
• Modeling clay
• mRNA molecule from...

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