Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

My understanding of the text, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, was greatly developed through the guided discussion during the interactive oral. Throughout the interactive oral, my understanding of the cultural and contextual aspects of Chronicle of a Death Foretold was enhanced by the ideas of my classmates. During the interactive oral several ideas were presented and explored which enhanced my understanding of the text such as the topics of Family Honor, traditions, changing times, memory, regret, guilt, and fate, as well as how males and females are view differently in certain cultures with aspects such as Machismo and Marianismo, along with double standards. In our culture, it is common for people to stand up for and defend their family no matter the circumstances. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Santiago is murdered by the Vicario Brothers for having taken their sister’s virginity, thus disgracing her and her family. If the Vicario Brothers had not taken action against Santiago they would have been seen as a dishonorable family, even Prudencia Cotes says she would have left Pablo if they did not restore their family honor. One difference between the expectations and role of women and men in society can be seen by way of Machismo and Marianismo, as well as double standards seen in the culture. In the novel, the women are expected to be virgins on their wedding night and are raised to be housewives, while men are almost expected to have multiple sexual conquests, before and after they marry. The women are taught at an early age how to be the “perfect housewife.”. However in our culture and society women are expected to do jut the opposite. Women in our culture are expected to get a job and support themselves and not be dependent on anyone else, just like the men. Women are not expected to be housewives, they are expected to be independent and successful. Many of these characteristics can be seen by way of modern feminism movements.

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