Compare And Contrast Mlk And MxMovie Review
The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 American prison drama film, written and directed by Frank Darabont. The film stars Tim Robbins as Andy Dufresne and Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding. It did not receive a single award because it was in the shadows of another great move “Forest Gump” The film portrays Andy spending nearly two decades in Shawshank State Prison, a fictional penitentiary in Maine, and his friendship with Red, a fellow inmate. Agreeing with most of the critics, this is one of the best movies made about a prison.
In this movie the acting of the prison guard was pretty good, but then again when he beat the shit out of people that really wasn’t a good part of the movie. Another thing was that when the other inmates ganged up on Andy and beat him several times over a two year period was kind of bad because those inmates would have gotten caught at least once. Also how Andy told Red to go to some field where there was some tree and under some rocks there was some box with enough money to get him to Mexico. Also when did Andy get the time to make out where to put the box and write that long letter and get enough money for Red? In addition to that the rest of the movie was very good and easy to follow.
Shawshank Redemption is arguably one of the best movies and the critics who shoot this movie down are wrong. It is ranked very high in every movie poll. The Shawshank Redemption is a great film, one among few great films of the 1990s. Frank Darabont's direction is so precise, and fluid that every scene is important and every line of dialogue furthers the understanding of the characters and events. Andy and Red in this movie sort of act like a team and help each out with problems. Mostly it’s Red helping Andy getting him something he needs, but Andy gets on Warden Norton’s good side so he trusts him. Andy also helps out all of the guards there with their taxes so that is another good thing...