conventioanl knowledge

conventioanl knowledge

What is “conventional wisdom,” and why is it necessary to challenge it?
Conventional wisdom is a generally accepted theory or belief where same thoughts and opinions of the majority (public) eventually considered as a truth. If we utilize conventional wisdom as a guide, then we are following the crowd. We are practiced to accept what's conventional thinking without trying to see what's possible and available. 
The real problem with conventional wisdom as a guide is that we'll constantly be safe with the general masses but missing the opportunities to think independently and create something new or change an existing way of thinking. At first it will be considered as the "safe" approach, but eventually it is usually followed at some point by sudden surprise too when conventional wisdom is proven wrong, or when someone discovers something so extraordinary that it completely changes our way of thinking.  One likely will be seen oddly when he or she starts to break it. But that is the starting point for discovery of other valuable yet constructive knowledge which the truth of it can be proved to an undeniable state.
Instead of limiting our life and way of thinking by following the usual and accepted norms , it is necessary for us to be curious and explore new things by not allowing our mindset being confined by the so called “guide”. Imposing limitations to our thinking can be an invaluable way to spark creativity.A theory is not supposed to be right if it is supported by majority and at the same time , it cannot be wrong either if it is only supported by minority. After all , it is a generally accepted theory not an ultimate fact where the validity is still questionable. Conventional wisdom will not be always the same as the thoughts of people are constantly changing due to rapid global revolution. The recommended way of utilizing such knowledge is to not be over dependent on it and always consider imaginative possibilities.

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