coups in africa

coups in africa

Military coups in Africa have been mainly motivated by greedy and grievance, as people manifest for self-enrichment in an uprising, most fighting for injustice by leaders. As per definition Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction and grievance is a imagine cause of complaint in simple terms. The greed and grievance theory assume political injustices, arbitrary use of power, economic mismanagement, corruption, and social injustices as main causes of military coups, African leaders do not want to retire from office which bring out their greediness of power, citizens can eventually start coups in hopes of attaining benefits of resources and power.
To commence with, coups galore all over the African continent due to Grievance, as Coups are started by groups of people who are tired of resource and other kinds of economic exploitation. In Libya In 1959, after a significant oil reserve was discovered a military coup took place, being led by Muammar Gaddafi. The coup was launched in Benghazi, mostly by members of the Libyan Signal Corps, 70 junior Libyan military officers. According to Omoigui, Grievance in resentment began to build over the increased concentration of the nation's wealth in the hands of King Idris 1. King Idris was said to have been a monarchical leader thus people took forth this as a grievance and wanted a change. The Free Officers Movement, as the coup leaders were referred to, declared an end to monarchy in Libya and renamed the country the Libyan Arab Republic.
More so the Movement quickly evolved into the Revolutionary Command Council which on September 7, 1969, announced that it had formed a cabinet to conduct the business of the government of the new republic. The following month, the Revolutionary Command Council promoted Captain Muammar al-Gaddafi to colonel and appointed him commander in chief of the Libyan Armed Forces, making him the new de facto head...

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