Divorce Explained

Divorce Explained

Divorce, a synonym for disconnect, split-up, break-up, separation, antonym for marriage, matrimony, or in fact, whole and complete love of a family. According to researches, today, at least one-fourth of young adults are divorced, and one in every two marriages ends in divorce, the rates higher than ever. Nowadays most people just divorce and not think of the consequences, especially when children are involved. Unless of course the marriage is full of intense conflict and anger or other sources of misery that aren’t suitable for children, divorce with children involved should not be allowed because it affects the children by making them more emotional in a bad way, increases the risk of possible suffering from psychological and behavioral problems, and harms children permanently with painful memories and ongoing worries.
In addition, divorce also increases the risk of children suffering from psychological and behavioral problems. Divorce injures children psychologically Bill Galston of the Progressive Policy Institute said: "Divorce itself has an independent negative effect on the well-being of minor children ... in areas such as the following: school performance, high school completion, college attendance and graduation, labor-force attachment and stable work patterns, crime, depression, psychological illness, suicide, out-of-wedlock birth, and the propensity of children of divorce to become divorced in turn." Furthermore, children may become perhaps overly responsible kids who end up caring for their parents instead of getting cared for by them. Researches have shown that compared to children from homes disrupted by death, children from divorced homes have more psychological problems.
Even though, divorce and marriage is far away from all of you now, but it’s at least 25% possible that you will have to make this choice someday. So I emphasize my point that when there is children...

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