AFF- November/December
It is because every citizen deserves their most basic rights, including the right to vote that I must Affirm today’s resolution: In a democratic society, felons ought to retain the right to vote.
Before I begin my speech I will offer these definitions: All are from Blacks law dictionary, Third and Sixth editions.
-Democratic Society: A society built upon the ideals of democracy. Democracy being a government by the people where the supreme power is vested in them usually indirectly through voting.
-Felon: One who has committed a felony.
-Ought: Used to express obligation. Ex. The government ought to give all its citizens their right.
-Retain: To keep in possession.
For today’s round I will offer the core value of Justice. Justice is getting what is deserved such as a reward or punishment while still staying under the terms of fairness. (John Rawls)
To support my core value I will offer a value criterion of Societal Fairness. Societal Fairness can only be achieved when all members in any given society are treated equally. Basically Societal Equality.
Contention I: Everyone in a Democratic Society should vote.
A Democratic Society, as I previously mentioned, is a society that gives the power to the people. This power in most democratic societies including the United States is given through the right to vote, or indirectly. This right of voting can still be given to felons under the terms of justice. These people who committed felonies are still being punished, whether they are sitting in jail or doing community service but if Justice is to be fully obtained it must be achieved under the terms of fairness, or societal fairness as I am arguing in today’s round. Every other person in a democratic society, over the age of minority, can vote so it is only fair that the felons can still vote. For justice and societal fairness to be achieved felons must vote.
Contention II: Elected officials affect Felons too.
As everyone...