

Communication technology has long history and our community has been witnessed tons of new technologies inform every year. In human society today, when people hear the world “apple” and they will think about something else, not the real apple anymore. At this time, when someone say “apple”, that will make others think of a company that bring to our society a lot of unique devices which mostly everybody want to have.
People all know that iphone, ipod and even ipad are incredibly awesome. They have been bringing a lot of conveniences to our life such as Siri – a digital assistant, icloud, iphoto,…etc. But, not all people know that there are many problems in “Operations problem in term of product development” for iDevices. The one problem I want to write about in this paper is the problem of Apple‘s Siri- a digital assistant.
As people all know that Siri can do a lot of thing such as “texting, setting alarm, noticing,…etc. First time in apple history, Siri is the one application that has beta tag on it which means Siri is in developing period. Therefore, “Siri has a few issues with its performance.” According to Laura Frädrich, BA and Dimitra Anastasiou, PhD Languages and Literary Studies, University of Bremen, Germany when she compared Apple’s Siri with WSR ( Windows Speech Recognition). There are some limitation for users outside the US. Siri cannot look for maps and traffic data outside of the US.
Second thing is that Siri required an internet connection in order to work because Siri uses Apple’s data center to perform its action.
Third thing is the limitation in languages use. Siri is only available in a few language: English, French, German, and Chinese.
As one of my Chinese friends claim that when he tried using Siri in Chinese. He was asking for the route to Walgreen (note that when one say something in Chinese, every single words need to be in Chinese) and Siri cannot recognize it. Furthermore, performances of Siri in other language besides English...

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