Gay or Straight

Gay or Straight

  • Submitted By: lissa83
  • Date Submitted: 02/02/2009 4:14 PM
  • Category: Psychology
  • Words: 463
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 394

Straight or Homosexual What is the Difference

It is the year 2008 and still there are very biased views on same sex marriage. I think that this is a topic between man and god not man and government, Ask yourself why can two men or two women not love each other just as much as a man and a woman. I believe that love is something wonderful and getting married is just the way to express your love for someone so the whole world will know, so why not homosexual couples.
The church is the main reason people oppose same sex marriage saying that it is a sin, but why does that give the government the right to make a law against this? Everyone has the right to have their own opinion on this depending on your religious beliefs. My belief may upset very religious people though. I think that regardless of ones gender if two people are in love and want to make a commitment to each other in the form of marriage why take it away because it is not the “right way”. Who are we to judge what the “right way” is, what if your child was gay would you not want them happy if being happy meant being married to someone of the same sex. By restricting marriage to just man and woman, aren’t we pushing beliefs onto people?
Marriage has many different points of views but ultimately it is the highest commitment between two people showing their love for one another. Does letting a homosexual couple marry hurt anyone? I think not! All we are doing by allowing these marriages is helping two people survive and live happily. By letting these couples marry we are allowing them to have all of the benefits that traditional marriage has. When a man and a woman get married they have rights to the others assets in case of death or illness. When there is a gay couple and something like this happens normally a family member has to step in to take over, how is that fair? Health benefits is probably one of the best perks from marriage many women who want to be stay at home moms rely on their husbands to...

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