Homosexual Parenting

Homosexual Parenting

Homosexual Parenting

When the topic of Homosexual Parenting arises, many people believe that it is impossible or immoral. Gay men are excluded from parenting because peoples perception of what a “parent’ should be, are related to men and women only. My approach to this controversy is that homosexuals are well-fit parents for children, and deserve to be treated equally. There are two sides to this issue that could be argued; I feel as if homosexual parenting should be more accepted across the nation, and legal in all states.
Parenthood involves a relationship of care, support and responsibility for raising a child. Children have no problems understanding love and do not start out with preconceived notions of whom they should and shouldn't love. Many studies have shown that homosexual parents can raise healthy, happy and well-adjusted children just as successfully as can heterosexual parents. And children of homosexual parents are no more likely to become gay than children of heterosexual parents (Gay or Straight 4).
“According the gay-rights groups, an estimated three million to 13 million children under the age of 18 in the United States have a gay or lesbian parent.”(Gay or Straight 3). Even though many of these families are criticized it is more and more common every year. Many people who do not agree on homosexual parenting feel as if the child is being harmed. Those who feel as if a child should not be raised by parents of the same sexual orientation are not taking into consideration the facts. These include the number of children waiting for a loving family in foster care, and many children in heterosexual homes that are facing daily abuse. The best interest of the child is what should be the number one priority.
In general, children raised in same-sex environments show no differences in abilities to do interact with other children in a normal manner (“Homosexual Parenting”). There are very few statistics that could show that a household headed by a...

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