Future Issues in Nursing Theory
Debra Edwards
Liberty University
Future Issues in Nursing Theory
Written Responses to Questions 3:
1. Compare and contrast McEwen & Wills Chapter 22 commentary about future issues in nursing theory with Chapter 15 in Shelly & Miller.
How will nursing theories affect future issues in nursing? The ultimate nursing goal emphatically must be to keep individuals, families, and communities as healthy and whole as possible. McEwen and Ellis (2014) emphasized that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 has contributed to health care challenges, to include health care financing, and cost containment. Future health care challenges nurses will face are an increase in chronic conditions, aging populations, diverse population, health disparities, and limited English proficiency. With an increase in insured Americans, there is a growing need for nurses and providers to meet this challenge. To prepare for the future health care system, nurses must give attention to theories, concepts, and models (McEwen & Ellis, 2014, p. 498, 499). Shelly and Miller (2006) documented a scenario of a hospital based patient requiring complicated care, who remembered the nurse one year later that showed compassion by bringing her a glass of warm milk and praying with her when she could not sleep.
McEwen and Ellis (2014) placed emphases on health care financing, in contrast Shelly and Miller (2006) asserts that the theory of “caring” seem to be eroding at the expense of cost effectiveness and professionalism. Shelly and Miller warn nurses against allowing 21st century economics to shape health care, but rather allow compassionate care to shape health care. Compassionate care encompasses competent care, integrity, commitment , and responsibility. A common thread with the authors is the philosophy of holistic care.
2. How has your view of nursing theory, practice, and nursing knowledge changed because of...